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From GuelmiShoes.com we can speak openly and with total security and great pride in our Menorcans, the authentic Menorcans.

Authentic: credited as true or true by the characters or requirements that concur.

With this definition of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, it is perfectly described why our authentic Menorcan women carry that honorable surname.

Everything may be authentic but not everything really is

It is very easy to use the word authentic or authentic. We can say that we ourselves are authentic, that a recipe is also authentic, a brand, an article of clothing.

But not everything is authentic for the simple fact of saying that it is. It can be said that a person is authentic because he does not allow himself to be carried away by pressure and social prejudice, he is how he is, he expresses himself and lives how he really wants and feels, with his strengths and weaknesses, but true to himself. .

Something authentic is also something that has to do with nature, which is not altered with chemical or synthetic products or materials.

Although we live in the age of technology, the less technological, the more authentic. A product, whatever it is, that is handcrafted will always be more authentic.

And we cannot forget the authenticity that tradition offers. An article or product that has a history, that has passed from father to son, is truly authentic.

The fidelity in terms of the image or the design of that specific product, also prints authenticity. Undoubtedly.

Authenticity stamp

Each characteristic that we have detailed is part of the definition of our authentic Menorcan. Its design, tradition, personality, naturalness in the materials ..., are what gives authenticity to each of our models.

It is clear that today, the adjective "authentic" is used too lightly. From GuelmiShoes.com we can speak openly and with total security and great pride in our Menorcans, the authentic Menorcans.

Visit our online catalog and show off your authenticity on your feet.


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